Birthing From Within

Childbirth Preparation

Birthing From Within is centered on helping you turn inward to better understand their own motivations and fears, and to simultaneously discover your own inner resources and guiding forces.

The modules guide you through the unknown so you can fully experience the transformation that birthing a baby brings. Birthing From Within also brings current evidence-based research into each class, building the bridges between ancient and modern knowing, myth and science, grit and grace.

next series begins in April



In this 4-week private preparation series you will learn about: 

  • Creating a birth space that will help you open up in labor

  • Labor physiology

  • Understanding the landscape of labor

  • Effective coping practices and comfort measures

  • Building confidence between you and your partner

  • Effective communication with your birth team

  • How to surrender in labor

  • Working with worries and fears

  • How to ask questions and make informed decisions in labor

  • Compassionate use of drugs and interventions

  • Ways to pushing the baby out

  • Celebrating the journey to parenthood as a rite of passage




Begin your journey into the labyrinth